Monday, June 15, 2009

Start Your Reading Workshop Strong

With this year barely over, September is a far off, distant thought for most. At Literacy Builders, we are busy planning what promises to be our best offerings yet! I spent last week gathering thoughts and ideas for Organizing for a Strong Reading Workshop, our August 5th offering. Our day will begin with looking closely at assessing readers’ needs and learning about their interests and habits as readers. After that, we will talk about establishing expectations that encourage readers to set their own standards high as readers. The rest of our day will be filled with mini-lessons that lead to active readership and ideas that ensure that your reading workshop gets off to a strong, positive start.

Six hours is barely enough time to think about starting a strong Reading Workshop. For those wanting content specific information, August 6th is for you. The morning will be dedicated to comprehension monitoring. For any teacher who ever thought, “They’re reading, but I’m not sure if they are getting it,” this session is for you. This hands-on workshop will send you home with mini-lesson after mini-lesson to take back to your classroom to help develop your students’ concept of “What is understanding?” Our afternoon will be dedicated to looking at the specific needs of struggling and reluctant readers. What can be done to bring them on board? What understandings do teachers need to have in order to effectively teach and motivate these readers? Filled with hands-on activities to bring back to your classroom in September, this workshop promises to help get the year off to a strong start!

Visit for our course brochure. Hope to see you in August.

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